Monday, February 27, 2012

2 Thessalonians 1:11

Every tribe, tongue, and nation or bust, right? I got to appreciate this scripture in a whole new way this weekend, as I spent the night on Friday with a Maasai family. From choir performances to prayer to dinner to getting to read them English scripture, it was an experience that taught me so much about appreciating the cultures of others. This night fired up my heart for missions even more as I felt myself falling in love with my brothers and sisters in a broken world. We got to spend quality time together and they had such servant's hearts. It was inspiring.

First meetings and unexpected blessings. Some blossom into lifelong relationships, others last only a few minutes. Each first "hello" is so important when we consider the fact that God wants us to minister to others, if only for a moment. You know those times that you're in a bad mood and a stranger on the street smiles at you, giving you the push you need? This night at the village reminded me that every second you spend with people is an opportunity to introduce them to God's joy again. Every second that you're around others is a chance to serve, encourage, and love others… even if just for a split second. You never know whom you might meet today. Your smile may light up the day for someone hurting. Be alert for first meetings and look forward to the surprises that Christ has in store for you.

In the meantime, here's some of the blessings and surprises that He has introduced me to over here in Tanzania. Here's some of the smiles that He's given me.

Then for the second part of my weekend, I decided to participate in the Kilimanjaro Marathon in Moshi. How many times am I going to be able to run up the side of Mount Kilimanjaro in a world renowned marathon? This was my thought process when I decided to sign up last minute on Thursday. Little did I know, crazy adventures this way would come.

My friend Beth and I piled onto the greatly overpacked bus (equipped with chickens) and began our adventure. About halfway to Moshi (a town that lies on the base of Mount Kilimanjaro) as I was looking out the window, praying, and reminiscing to a very meaningful iPod playlist, I got suddenly distracted by one of the tires of our bus rolling past me in the opposite direction down the road. Suddenly, our bus began to swerve and one side tilted down. We ended up in a broken bus on the side of the road climbing out the windows in a panic. Peace = destroyed. Then we hear in the distance in English (when you're abroad it becomes a really interesting sensation to understand someone without lots of effort so you always notice it) "Hey, do you girls want a ride??" It was two American's from California named Brandon and Melissa who were married and were actually on their way to their home in Moshi from Arusha after a doctor's appointment to get sonogram pictures for Melissa! We climbed into the back of their car and got to hear about their experience as missionaries in the Moshi area at an orphanage, and their aspirations to one day start their own orphanage. It was so wonderful to get to spend time building community and learning about other missionaries in Africa and hearing about their take on things. God puts people in your life for a reason. That was made VERY clear.

After getting to Moshi they said that they would take us to the hostels we were looking into, but we were stupid enough not to book a reservation on the weekend of one of the world's biggest marathons. At every hostel that they took us to we were greeted by laughter and no open rooms. However, Brandon and Melissa insisted on taking us in and feeding us. True servant's of God, they humbled me and were so loving and considerate. Anyone out there who wants some prayer requests, pray for the work that Brandon and Melissa are doing in the Moshi orphanage, and for a safe pregnancy. They cooked us a spaghetti dinner and we shared stories of missions worldwide, and then we went to bed.

The next morning I ran the Kilimanjaro Marathon up Mount Kilimanjaro, in the pouring rain, surrounded by Tanzanian residents cheering along the sides of the road shouting "Nitamaliza!!!!" (you will finish!) as I ran past shouting "NIMECHOKA" (I am tired!!) and "NITAKUFA!" (I am going to die.) About halfway through the marathon I ran past a village of children and they all started running with me and joining me in the marathon. Soon me and about 10 children under 13 were all running down the side of the mountain towards the finish line. Right before I entered the stadium to complete the marathon most of the kids stopped and waved goodbye, but one girl that I had been running and kept holding my hand looked at me hurt and longing. I stopped for a second looking at her and just said "Tuende!!!" meaning "Let's go!" She looked at me and got a huge smile on her face. She ran towards me and we ran to the end, dashing across the finish line hand-in-hand. 26.2 miles later, I can say that the highlight of my weekend was seeing her feel empowered, accomplished, and proud. 

Tanzania. There's something beautiful about this place. Anyone who knows me knows that I love kids and knows that I love people. Anyone who knows me knows that I love love. Not even I expected to fall quite like this over here, though. It's not Africa, it's not the location, and it's not the scenery. It's the people. The children. The looks and smiles. The Skype dates back home. The distance. The feeling of being abroad. The feeling of serving my Lord. I'm falling in love in more than one way, and it's an amazing feeling.

Yours Truly

Monday, February 20, 2012

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

"Where there is love there is no darkness." East African Proverb

One of our program directors sons got married this last Saturday and had the kindness to invite all of the people in the program! Things I learned:

1. African receptions are in fact NOT a dance party, but mostly a 6 hour ceremony in a language that is hard to understand even for fluent speakers of it.

2. Goat meat is very tough, and is often served coated in salt.

3. Maasai and Tanzanians in general are quite fond of Celine Dion.

It was a great experience, however, and I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to understand a little more about how the Tanzanian culture devotes their weddings to their religion and family, rather than alcohol and dancing. It was quite inspiring, really.

It was interesting. It was an experience. I am blessed and grateful to have been a part of it.

Top 5 things I'd tell someone who has never been about Tanzania:

1. Yes, the landscape and natural wonders of the world are stunning, but the real beauty? The people.

2. I have never felt more welcomed or loved by a culture so distant from my own.

3. The most simple things are appreciated here, and it gives you an indifference to the lavish or excessive.

4. So many people are in need of hope, and they're thirsty to hear about anything which can bring them joy. People want to know their Lord, but don't know how. He has doors standing wide open over here, people just need to use them.

5. It's an amazing place to reinvent your faith and fall in love with Christ all over again.

Until next time!

Yours Truly!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Isaiah 40:31

"Adventure must start with running away from home." William Bolitho

Turns out, I'm horrible at updating a blog. I mean... atrocious. Lots to update y'all on, but here goes.

Orientation. Lots of learning about how not to die.

Then we spent the weekend out on a safari. I got to experience the beauty that is the Nogorongoro Crater, and Lake Manyara. It was an opportunity for everyone in my program to build memories together and to experience time in Arusha bonding before we enter the battle-field and work force. It was such a wonderful chance for us to see the unique personalities that everyone in the program has, and the wonderful and individual things that each person had to offer.

There is pretty much no feeling like doing your daily devotional atop a safari bus trekking through the bottom of one of the world's most well-known natural landmarks. It's incredible fulfilling and awe-inspiring. I couldn't help but to just constantly run my mind over the fact that I wasn't worthy to see such beauty created for God, but he was letting me anyways. He is graceful. He is beautiful. He is kind. He is GIVING.

After we returned from the Safari we got to work. Started all of my work at the orphanage and started volunteer work at the local hospital. It's been so interesting learning about the people and the ways that the medical system works here. It's also been such a pleasure getting the opportunity to see and meet some absolutely beautiful wide-eyed people. If you're thirsty for prayer requests, Anelwa (12), Lilian (10), Kakaiya (8), and Flora (6) could use prayer for open hearts and expanding minds. I'm also in classes that are directed around Eastern Africa Conflict Resolution, Swahili, and Community Service in Eastern Africa. This is a wonderful program that is really allowing me to become a part of the community in my short semester here, and opening my eyes to appreciate the diverse cultures and individual loveliness so much more.

I went to Shanga, which was a home created for the disabled. They are trained there to do assorted jobs (welding, necklace making, and other crafty things) and then they sell their creations in a shop in order to sustain the home. There is also a restaurant! It was wonderful getting the opportunity to love on and see people who are flourishing and embracing their God given circumstances.

Then we went on a hike up Mt. Meru. That was a wonderful and beautiful sight. It was good time to connect with my girls and share in God's wonderment and beauty together. Also, nothing bonds like physical activity! Arusha sits on the side of Mt. Meru, so it was really wonderful to get to learn the landscapes much better! Here's a few pictures of the town that is teaching me so much and growing my faith so heavily...,0,2641122.htmlstory

The most recent thing that I've done is meet Pete O'Neal, former Black Panther who escaped the states and started an orphanage here in Arusha. It was really interesting, but the article I've posted is great and explains much better than I could!

I'll try to update more often, but this is all for now!

Yours Truly!

Friday, February 3, 2012

1 Chronicles 16: 23-24

"To belong to Jesus is to embrace the nations with him." John Piper

Well, the first few days of my Tanzanian adventure are past me, and I sit on a couch in Arusha, Tanzania very humbled and confused at how I am so blessed. I have already met people from opposing sides of the world with completely opposite pasts, ambitions, and paths. I am surrounded by the lost, hopeless, saved, brilliant, and everything in between.

There is no way to describe waking up in the morning to the sound of tribesmen singing and roosters greeting them. To wake up and think "This is Africa, and I am here." is unbelievable! Knowing that the day presents me with so many opportunities to serve and love on those who never get served or loved on is such a motivating and energizing thought.

The travel was long with numerous layovers as I saw parts of the world and cultures that were new and exciting, but after mass amounts of Dramamine and a few new friends, I made it to the home/hut I am staying in. I have 2 roommates, Rachel from Chicago and Frida from Rwanda. We've spent most of our time travelling around Arusha trying to get a feel for the town and community. The goal right now is to get our team to know each other and develop fellowship with one another before we start our work for the semester. Everyone in the program is completely different, but it creates a wonderful melting pot.

It's a beautiful thing to sacrifice the things you begin to cherish and just give it all up to Christ. As I leave virtually every part of my life behind in the states, I know that everything is being handed to God to do with it what he will. The opportunities and conversations that have come up here have been incredible. It's amazing the questions people will ask when they see you reading out of your Bible and taking notes, or the way your faith gets brought up when they ask you what you're doing in Tanzania.

Can't wait to hear from you all, and share in my experiences with you. My blessings and love are with you all!

Yours Truly